MFA Fine Art, Wimbledon College of Arts
London, Crypt Gallery, St Pancras Parish Church

This multidisciplinary exhibition of the work of 37international fine artists explores the meaning behind the word ‘immurement’ and the history of the crypt beneath London’s St Pancras Parish Church.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines immurement as the condition of being enclosed or confined against your will; a theme each individual artist will interpret in their works on display.
From an oil-on-canvas painting of children hypnotised by games on their phones to a human size clothes rack offering physical and emotional therapy, we will take you on a visual journey through this labyrinthine gallery space, revealing what it means to be imprisoned from a modern perspective.
The walls of St Pancras Parish Church crypt will provide a dynamic backdrop to the exhibition, themselves holding stories of war, shelter and death.
PRIVATE VIEW: 7th of November 2019 6-9 pm
OPEN TO PUBLIC: 8th-10 th of November 2019 10 am-6 pm mfafineart