Blue Waves
11 / 2018, 60 x 60 cm, oil painting
Bluewater flow truly makes people think deeply, especially the blue of the sea.If a person sits on the beach and gaze the ocean, he or she will be positively influenced, even he or she leaves.
When listening to the voice of waves, water can tell its stories. However, human beings are sometimes arrogant so that we ignore the sound.
About the cycle of water energy, it is endless.

11 / 2018, 30 x 40 cm , oil painting
The release of blue energy, there is unlimited imagination, the vastness and vastness of blue.

05 / 2019, 100 x 74 cm , oil painting
I am still waiting, waiting for the next waves.
The release of blue energy, there is unlimited imagination, the vastness and vastness of blue.

Pink Waves
11 / 2018, 60 cm with circle, oil painting
Regarding the release of pink energy, pink is linked to the oppression and restrictions of the old age, and women are like a wave of new waves.